about us
about us
Severn Beach Village Hall and Playing Fields Trust is a Registered Charity 265636
Committee 2024
Gillian Cox
Kim Thomas (Secretary)
Sam Croft (Chair and Bookings) 01454 633886
Dawn Nicholls
Denise Turner
David Webb
Sarah Woolridge
Pat Russell
Peter Tyzack
Sian Morrell
Vacancy (Treasurer)
Severn Beach Village Hall and Playing Fields Trust
Extract from Conveyance dated 3rd November 1947
The purchasers shall hold the premises hereby assured on Trust, to permit the same to be used primarily for the children of the said Ward of Severn Beach in perpetuity for the purposes of physical and mental recreation, social and moral and intellectual development through the medium of sports and games, reading and recreation rooms, library and entertainments, or otherwise as may be found expedient, for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Ward of Severn Beach without distinction, subject to the provisions of these presents.